Red Flag…

At the beginning of each game, NFL head coaches are given a red flag that they can use by tossing it out to the field, indicating to the referees that they would like to challenge the previous play.  This flag has to be thrown out before the next play in order to be accepted.  Coaches can challenge two plays a game but they must have a time out available.  If the challenges are correct, the coaches are issued a third challenge.  If the challenges are incorrect, the team loses a timeout.  Challenges are not permitted during the last two minutes of any game.

Viewership in football games comes literally, from different angles.  Box seats, sidelines, tv cameras, the instant replay booth and so on.  Coaches and players have one view and referees have another.  There have been an increasing number of calls recounted from Monday Night Football games, Sunday games and in general.  Coaches have to use great discretion when deciding what to challenge – ‘is this worth it? Will I be correct?  If I’m not correct, do I sacrifice a timeout from my team?’

Image result for coach throwing red flag

We have one set of eyes – one view.  Often times, our viewership in life can be jaded by the things and people around us.  Situations, past and present experiences, insecurities, pride and so on.  Coaching staffs aren’t made up of one person, but many people and this produces accountability.  There are multiple sets of eyes on each ‘play’ and opinions and flare.  Raising up questions and concerns isn’t a negative thing.  It’s the context and the outcome we should consider. In our own lives, before ‘challenging’ our loved ones, supervisors, systems and others around us, it is wise to sometimes, seek the counsel of others.  Speak to someone who has been in your shoes, someone who is a little older with a seasoned perspective, someone who might be on the receiving end if they were in your situation.  Considering adultery?  What about your family?  Considering cussing out your superiors?  What about your character and the possibility of loosing your job and blackballing yourself?  Thinking of investing in property?  Are the conditions in your favor?  Thinking about overdosing?  Did you know that your life is worth more?

There are many things to consider before throwing it all in – good, bad and indifferent.  There are times, just like head coaches, when we are equipped enough to make our own decisions without seeking the guidance of others – and that’s okay.  We have to have the discernment of which time/season it is in our lives.  Count the cost and either way, be confident in your decision but man/woman enough to handle the outcome.  Sometimes what we say by challenging something has a far greater consequence verses keeping quiet and simply letting go of our pride.  Know the difference and if we’re struggling to find the balance, ask God for wisdom…he gives it freely (James 1:5).

Time Out,


Picture courtesy of

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