Pressure Points…

There are times in life when our inner buttons are pushed. Most often, we don’t even know what those buttons are. We’ll say, ‘if so and so talks to me like that one more time’ or ‘if that happens one more time, I’ll xyz.’ When that time comes, how we react is based off of many variables.

What we practice, who we are when no one is looking (character) and what we value rise up in those tense and pressure filled moments. As we self reflect, what do we mediate on – are we sowing discord in our hearts and minds? Are we guided by prayer and principle? Are we guided by pride, anger or insecurities? Do we allow ourselves to be victims or enslaved to our own emotions?

There are times when sticking up for ourselves is an absolute mandate. Being humble and meek does not equate to being a pushover and passive. We have to have the discernment and self control in order to address each situation appropriately, while remaining true to ourselves, loved ones and everyone else we represent. Pride has to take a backseat to the need to be right.

Reactions can be controlled by what we regularly practice and consume. We often don’t know what’s in us until trigger points are danced upon – a melodic tone that we had no clue moved us. Reaping what we sow is true – so what are we sowing? Positivity, truth, peace? Or the very opposite. No one is perfect, no one will get every day and everything correct one hundred percent of the time, but as we decide to grow and evolve as people, our reactions will reflect the persons we are aiming to become.



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